Mike Parker - Farmer and Marketing Coach

"I help farmers just like you get to profit on their farms and scale those sales to full-time incomes so that you can stop overworking and under-earning in your farm operation"

-Mike Parker

Build loyal customers that purchase year after year without questioning your pricing.

Gain A step-by-step ROADMAP for growing your direct to consumer farm brand.

Build your farm brand without overworking and pouring personal finances down the drain.

"What do You Do?"

Simply put, I want to see fewer farms turn into strip malls and housing developments over the next decade...

I want to see some hope brought back into our food system — one that is not completely monopolized by the four big meat packers.

I hope to help thousands of family farms rally together and create a more resilient food system.

I do, however, know that some of you reading this will need help implementing specific strategies and building the marketing infrastructure

needed to grow a successful direct to consumer business…

And for you here is my offer…

My team of experts and I will actually build the infrastructure, implement the software, and execute the strategies for you

that are essential to 2x or even 5x your direct-to-consumer sales.

Not only will we build your infrastructure and execute strategies to help you gain more customers and sales,

but we will also teach and coach you on the exact strategies and systems that we set up, to help you succeed for a lifetime…

But what if it doesn't work?

With lifetime support and access to our team, you will become a Direct Farm Marketer for life.

You have my personal guarantee we will work on your account until you generate sales through the systems we put in place for you...

By the way, my team is made up of farmers, ranchers, homeschool families,

and others with the same values of faith, family, and doing things right to help you achieve your goals.

To a more resilient food system,

Mike Parker | CEO Direct Farm Marketing

"What Do You Do?"

Simply put, I want to see fewer farms turn into strip malls and housing developments over the next decade...

I want to see some hope brought back into our food system — one that is not completely monopolized by the four big meat packers.

I hope to help thousands of family farms rally together and create a more resilient food system.

I do, however, know that some of you reading this will need help implementing specific strategies and building the marketing infrastructure

needed to grow a successful direct to consumer business…

And for you here is my offer…

My team of experts and I will actually build the infrastructure, implement the software, and execute the strategies for you

that are essential to 2x or even 5x your direct-to-consumer sales.

Not only will we build your infrastructure and execute strategies to help you gain more customers and sales,

but we will also teach and coach you on the exact strategies and systems that we set up, to help you succeed for a lifetime…

But what if it doesn't work?

With lifetime support and access to our team, you will become a Direct Farm Marketer for life.

You have my personal guarantee we will work on your account until you generate sales through the systems we put in place for you...

By the way, my team is made up of farmers, ranchers, homeschool families,

and others with the same values of faith, family, and doing things right to help you achieve your goals.

To a more resilient food system,

Mike Parker | CEO Direct Farm Marketing

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© 2023 Direct Farm Roadmap